How earn money from youtube?




You can make money on YouTube by generating views and attracting subscribers.

This question is a hot topic. You don't need to be a member of a company or channel to make money on YouTube and you can start today. You just need visitors to your website or your videos to generate views and subscribers, which will give you money in future.


If you have not seen the video where I answer all these questions, then I do recommend you watch it now. It's called "Is YouTube worth it?".   It is a very good video with conclusions that everyone should hear, many of which are not common knowledge.



I hope this helps you get started with YouTube today... Thank you for taking the time to read this article! If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on Facebook by clicking on one of the buttons below:


1: How many views do you need on YouTube to make money?


You know, people always ask me this question. I thought it would be a fun question to see how many views a video needs to make money.


I’ve been doing this for a while now and, like I’m not sure if all of you know but, I also started a YouTube channel a few years back.


I was just curious though. How many views do you need to make money?

The short answer is, it depends on the video.


The first one that came up in my mind was about 5-6K views. Then I remembered that it’s not about the view count but rather the exposure of your content in YouTube’s search engine results page and how much those things cost you.


In my case, I have about 100k subscribers which requires about 500 views per video (at least). So, each one gets roughly 100 views which means 1K is roughly $5 and 0K is roughly $5000/video.

Then, there are other factors like: audience size (the more people who view your content the higher value your visibility), number of comments (this will get you more exposure than an average channel with 1000+ subscribers) and so on.

But one thing that I got sick of hearing all day long when people ask me this question was “How do you make money on YouTube? How much do you make for 1k views?”

This is probably one of the most common questions asked by other YouTubers today because everyone wants to know how much they can get from 1K views or from 10k or from 50k or from 100k. And the answer is different for each person depending on their actual channel size, audience size and so on.

So here are some numbers:

500 subs = $500/video = $50/1000 = $10/day = $1 / week = ~$100-150 per month depending on how many subs you have;

100 subs = ~$20/video= ~$10-20/1000= ~$5 per month; 30 subs = ~$15/video= ~$10-15/1000= ~$7 per month; 20 subs = ~$$1250 per video (~$1500) ; 12 subs = $$1000 per video (~$$2000); The prices will pretty much stay consistent from one person to another as far as what they charge for videos goes.


2: How much money does YouTube pay for 1,000 views?


It’s not so easy. But the key is to be creative and unique in your approach to making money. The key is not to simply play it safe, but to stand out from the crowd. In this day and age, there are just so many ways you can make money on YouTube.


You can earn money by selling your own videos, promoting your friends and/or channels, joining other websites that offer advertising or affiliate programs, or getting paid for reviews of products and services.



It’s important that you find a niche that interests you enough for you to be interested in pursuing it full-time. That way if you do eventually do it full-time or decide that you want to quit YouTube because of the time commitment involved, then all of the time spent on YouTube will have been worth it.


If making money from YouTube is something that interests you enough for you to set aside a few hours each week for it (or maybe a few hours during the weekends) then go for it! It could be a multi-million dollar industry with plenty of opportunities available for those who are willing to work hard enough.


With the right mindset and attitude towards what they want out of their job. The more people who watch these videos and enjoy them as opposed to feeling that they “ought” to watch them; the better your chances of earning some extra cash as a result!


3: How much money do you get for 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?


There are a lot of opinions on how you should pay for 1,000 YouTube views. There are also a few different ways you can make money on YouTube. You can create videos, or upload videos to websites like YouTube. The second way is to become a YouTuber.


There’s one main thing that all the experts agree on though: it doesn’t matter how many views you get. It matters what kind of views you get. If people want to see you and they find your video entertaining, then they might subscribe to your channel and watch your video many times over to see if they like it.


The key is making sure that people will be interested in your content enough to want to watch it again and again.


4: How much YouTube pay for $1 million views?


The more views you get, the greater your income potential.

So, how can you make a million views on YouTube?

With one click, you can earn in minutes $200! How?

You're watching this short video on Now, which is your home page. Then all you have to do is click "Play". That's it!



Next thing you know, you're watching a page full of ads for products that aren't yours. They look like somebody else's work - but they aren't yours. You have no idea who paid for them to be there or why they are there at all.


Yet their ads are appearing wherever you are looking for something: on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. They don't pay anything and yet they show up from every site that isn't yours and make money from your clicks.


"The content creators have been gradually increasing the fees charged to publishers and advertisers as an incentive for content creators to share their videos and increase their viewership."


Content creators have been gradually increasing the fees charged to publishers and advertisers as an incentive for content creators to share their videos and increase their viewership. The more viewers they get the more they make.


So, it makes sense if they want to maximize those views whether it's sponsored (paid) or not-paid ads that appear next to your videos and drive more traffic to them (fewer view). The only real downside is that your earnings depend entirely on the popularity of your video.


If nobody watches it then yes, it doesn't matter how many views you got so long as it generates enough traffic. If people do watch though then yes, your earnings will be higher but even then don't expect too much; most people won't get very far with a single video unless there's some kind of captivating story behind it or other factors like viral hits etc.


But those factors only work if people actually watch what you put out there so in order for any kind of income from advertising or any other source (even if it was sponsored) to come along then the numbers must be high enough.


 If not, then nobody will ever watch whatever alien scoop doo made up of psychedelic lasers and a talking gorilla with a laser beam coming out of his forehead... It's just not going to happen! So, in order for any kind of income from advertising or any other source (even if it was sponsored) to come along then the numbers must be high enough... If not then nobody


5: Conclusion:


There are various ways to make money on YouTube, depending on the number of views and subscribers you have.


The question, “how much are you paid for 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?” is a commonly asked question. Amongst the possible answers, we can say that the answer depends on what type of work you do.



If you participate in paid content creation (for example, making videos), then your pay rate will be very different to someone who posts videos to his/her personal YouTube channel.


In addition to this, work-related income can also vary based on the amount of time required to complete each job and the right location where you perform it. The pay that YouTube pays varies according to its view numbers and subscribers as well as the content itself.


It is therefore important that you keep an eye on the views your videos are getting because if they are not enough to sustain your channel or keep it active, then it will be detrimental to your future earnings and may affect your reputation as a YouTuber or YouTubers.


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